Sunday Morning Worship



Cruden Parish Church News

Please join us for tea and coffee in the hall after the service.

Fraserburgh and District Parish Church
Sean has been appointed as Interim Moderator for the new grouping of Fraserburgh and District Parish Church. Please remember Sean and the folk from Fraserburgh in your prayers as they focus on transitioning to the new united congregation and begin the process of looking for a new ministry team.

Summer Bible Study – Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 13-14)

Starting on Wednesday 24th July we begin our summer series of Bible Studies starting at 7.45 pm – in person in the Manse or online via Zoom  - following the first missionary journey of the Apostle Paul. Our destinations will include Antioch, Cyprus, Paphos, Pamphylia, Phrygia, Lycaonia finally returning to Antioch. Our journey will not include airport delays, strikes, customs or require a passport or travel insurance.
Everybody welcome.

Cruden & Hatton Community Pantry

Take what you need & give what you can.’
The Community Larder is open each Friday from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.
Based in the Pavilion in Mill Park, there will be an opportunity to enjoy tea and coffee and obtain a variety of foodstuffs (donated by supermarkets & businesses) which were surplus to requirement.
The Community Larder is not a Food Bank. However, it will also offer a local opportunity to share surplus food stuffs (i.e., the collection of tins and dried goods that are lurking at back of all our kitchen cupboards.!) We also have access to a fridge and freezer and can accept fresh & frozen items that are still in the use by date. This also includes home grown fruit and vegetables.
The project, which is being run by volunteers from Cruden Parish Church and in partnership with the Cruden Bay Communtiy Association and Cfine..

Online Broadcast of Services
The service will be broadcast live via the church YouTube channel and be available for later viewing. A link is available below and on the Facebook page. A copy of the Order of Service, which includes the words of the responses, readings, hymns, intimations etc., is available on request via email.

18 July 2024

Cruden Parish Church is a congregation of the Church of Scotland, in the Presbytery of the North East and the Nornern Isles in rural Aberdeenshire. Cruden Parish Church is situated between Cruden Bay on the coast and the village of Hatton three miles inland.