Souper Sunday
24 January 2010
The 2009 General Assembly passed a deliverance Inviting congregations of the Church of Scotland and its partner churches worldwide to observe Sunday 10 January 2010 as a day of worship, reflection and fund-raising on the theme of the church’s response to HIV, and instruct the Project group to produce worship resources to enable congregations to hold Souper Sunday services and events.
Cruden Kirk Session decided that it would observe Souper Sunday and follow the pattern established by Lothian Presytery who had a similar day last year.
In the end Sunday 10 January was a time of snow and bad roads and Souper Sunday was posponeed until 24th January. Karla Buswell, Beatrice Fawkes, Betty Forrester and Betty May helped by James Hyman conducted our Souper Sunday Service so well using the resources that had been made available.
The photographs show the Soup and Bread lunch after the service. Thanks are due to Wilma Moir and her team for organising such a successful and popular Soup lunch. £275 was raised for the Church of Scotland’s HIV/Aids Project.