.Cruden Parish Church is located over the Bishop's Bridge from the Hatton to Cruden Bay road, via Bridgend.
Lookout for the Cruden Old Church signs on the A90, Hatton to Peterhead Road, and at the Bishop's Bridge turn off.
If you are coming from Cruden Bay look for the sign on the right on the Cruden Bay to Newburgh Road before you reach St James' Scottish Episcopal Church.
If you are coming from Cruden Bay look for the sign on the right on the Cruden Bay to Newburgh Road before you reach St James' Scottish Episcopal Church.
Read about the history of Cruden Parish Church
Property Reports, commissioned in accordance with a scheme laid down by the General Assembly, have indicated the need to meet substantial costs in bringing our properties up to a satisfactory standard. Under our Property Convener,much progress has been made in the last few years to improve the standard of our Church but our Fabric Fund would always benefit from any donations which would be gratefully received. They should be clearly marked for the Fabric Fund.
For further information please contact the
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Registered Charity SC006408
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